AAD Entrance Mural artwork
Front of House Interpretive DISPLAY Area
Front of House Interpretive DISPLAY Area
Created in collaboration with an exhibition designer and manager, professional writer and in overview by AAD's corporate manager . . . a 6 metre entrance mural, full wall murals and interpretive acrylic panels describing the AAD’s role in Antarctica. The panels were also reprinted as roll-up banners for touring information display.

AAD Entrance Mural: 6 metres wide in all, wall and acrylic panels; inset launch by the Federal Minister of the Environment, 2004
"Interpretation enriches lives through engaging emotions, enhancing experiences and deepening understanding of people, places, events and objects from past and present."

Antarctica Valued wall mural and semi-transparent window blinds (inset) with a glimpse of the Antarctica Map mural

Antarctica Valued wall mural artwork: 2200x2500mm

Antarctica Map mural artwork Edition2: 250x220cm
Updated in 2017 and featured at: Antarctica MAP Mural re-creation
Updated in 2017 and featured at: Antarctica MAP Mural re-creation
Interpretive panels describing the AAD’s role in Antarctica follow . . . Here are 8 of the 12 freestanding panels @ 85x220cm, and the introductory easel panel, 53x100cm. In situ photos are included below.